Research and notes on my disseration for the MSc E-Learning.

Friday 2 November 2012

Dissertation research


I'm looking for people to test my dissertation tool - if you can spare about 30 minutes to test it out and give me some feedback, I'd be very grateful!

My dissertation is about basic augmented reality (AR) and mobile learning for workshops in HE - do these tools increase engagement?  

This tool was designed to be used in a workshop setting to give an introduction to AR. Participants would be given a printed worksheet which they would scan with the Layar app, then interact with the content and post any comments, ideas or questions they have during the workshop on the wallwisher board - these could then be addressed as the session progresses or as a group at the end.

[The outcomes of the workshop session would be to create a definition of AR, to consider the practical/ current applications in education and whether these could be useful for teaching and learning in your subject area.]



1. Download the layar app to your mobile device: tablets like iPad work very well but also works on most forms of smart phone. Follow the links:

iOS           Android          Simbian  

2. Print the image below. Activate the layar app and hold your device over the image. Scan using the app to activate content.

3. Play around with the app as if you were in a workshop - view the content on AR and post any comments to the wallwisher. You can ignore the sticktu app which is not part of the tool itself but an additional application offered by layar.

4. Click on the 'survey' icon at the bottom right hand side of the image. This should take you to the online questionnaire. If it doesn't, click here. The questionnaire should take about 5-10 mins to complete.

I'm looking for any feedback, good or bad, that will help my research. 

A massive thank you for helping me!!

Thursday 11 October 2012

Intro to Augmented Reality

In many of the articles I have read about Augmented Reality (AR) there is a common theme: AR is changing the way its users view the world. Recently it seems that this change is becoming more mainstream. Shore (2012) writes that augmented reality is no longer just a scientific experiment but has become part of daily life. As an example, brands such as IKEA are implementing AR in their 2013 catalogues. Museums are enhancing exhibitions with AR content as seen in the Royal Ontario Museum's use of AR to bring dinosaurs to life. There are also adverts on TV showing AR products:

What is AR?

The basic idea behind AR is to add a layer of graphics, audio or video over a real-world object. These are commonly accessed through apps on mobile devices such as smartphones.

According to layar, AR can take two forms: geolocation and vision-based. Geolocation uses GPS and sensors from a mobile device to show resources located around you. Vision-based AR is more about digitally displaying content from a static real-world object, for example a poster. 

"On the spectrum between virtual reality, which creates immersive, computer-generated environments, and the real world, augmented reality is closer to the real world." Bonsor 2012. A useful visual representation of this is taken from FitzGerald et al (2012) and shows how AR is part of mixed reality, closely linked to the real world:


What is the future for AR? Is it a fad or here to stay?

FitzGerald. E, Adams. A, Ferguson. R,  Gaved. M,  Mor. Y and Thomas. R (2012). Augmented reality and mobile learning: the state of the art. In: 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2012), 16-18 October 2012, Helsinki, Finland (forthcoming).

Bonsor. K (2012) How augmented reality will work. [accessed online] http://computer.howstuffworks.com/augmented-reality.htm

Shore. J (2012) Where did augmented reality come from? [accessed online] http://mashable.com/2012/09/24/augmented-reality/

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Assessment of tools

QR codes might suit the purpose. They could be displayed at the locations and could link to information to help the students answer the questions.

  • can be displayed anywhere
  • easily link to relevant resources
  • resources can be images, video etc
  • apps can be downloaded for free 
  • students might not want to download a QR code reader
  • how will I distribute the questions? (paper?)
  • how will I mark the answers and give feedback? (a further session may be needed)

SCVNGR seems like it might fit most of the needs and having done some preliminary research, it seems it is already in use at some universities for induction treks.

  • content is easy to create
  • feedback is immediate
  • content can be created in video, audio, text
  • types of task can be varied
  • locations can be specified
  • app is free to download
  • feedback after the trek will need to be considered
  • students may not want to download the app to their phone


ARIS offers a lot of options and flexibility in terms of game development and has already been trialed for induction tours.

  • game development flexibility
  • content can be audio, video and text
  • content can be triggered by GPS location
  • suited to rich story-telling, especially development of characters
  • only available in iOS: iphone and ipod
  • platform still under construction
  • coding needed to develop a game 
  • amount of development time vs game play
  • somewhat 'clunky' interface
  • feedback needs to managed

Layar allows AR content to be imposed on static print or via GPS. Currently being used on campuses to provide induction info.

  • stylish interface (both app and creator)
  • variety of media or web sources can be linked  
  • easy to use creator
  • app available for both iOS and Android
  • GPS location is available


  • doesn't allow creation of a trek - might need to be used in conjunction with another tool for the purposes of a guided tour?
  • need to highlight where AR layar content is available as it could be missed
  • no feedback available through the tool itself


Layar is an vision-based augmented reality tool which allows you to link static print to other media giving the user an interactive experience.

As a user, you need to download the layar app to access any AR content. You then hold your mobile device over the print to activate the AR experience. AR content includes video, audio, social media or links to websites. It is useful to highlight any AR content with a note using the layar logo on the static print pages. Layar can also be used via GPS. The interface of the app is stylish and it's easy to use.

Here is an introduction to layar:

 Layar also allows you to keep track of your users via their stats pages.

As a developer it is relatively straight forward to create AR content from static print. Once you have logged in and accessed the creator, you can easily add AR without any coding. This video shows the process of basic layar creation:

Some current uses of it in business include Lonely Planet and WWF but layar has endless possibilities in education.

Purdue University uses it for a walking tour and for information on campus using GPS. Exeter Univesity also use it on their campus to access media and content via GPS. Stanely Avenue school got their students to create the content using layar.

Layar could be integrated with other GPS apps to enhance an induction tour or used as a stand-alone tool utilising its GPS function.


ARIS is the third tool I'm investigating. It is an open-source platform geo-location game which can be used for tours and interactive stories. It uses GPS and QR Codes at different locations and can be built up with different media. This can be released on location or timed.

Here is an introduction to ARIS:

You need to download the app to access the story/ game and at present it is only available on an ios device. The platform is still under construction and can at times be a little unstable. Whilst the functionality can be good, the interface is not that slick.

As a creator/ developer of a game you need to sign-up for an ARIS account and download the 'alphaeditor'. The editor takes some time to get the hang of if you are not a developer; there is certain amount of coding needed. However, there are forums where developers can share codes and tips and where you can seek support if you need it. Once you are more familiar with the editor, it is easy to create your story or trek using the GPS locations.

Some current projects using ARIS include a self-guided tour of UMM campus and a language learning project called Mentira. There is also an interesting video on using ARIS for PE education:


SCVNGR is another tool I'm looking into for my project. 

SCVNGR is a mobile app that allows you to create a 'treasure hunt', although they would prefer you use the terms 'trek' or 'challenge'.

You need to create a log-in to access the tool and you can choose either the regular or the University website.

Once you have logged in, you select a location by typing in the postcode and you can then create your 'trek'. you can ask questions about different locations and have the students complete different tasks at these locations like taking a photo or inputting an answer.

See this video about the regular SCVNGR app as an introduction:

SCVNGR | How To Play from SCVNGR on Vimeo.
However, many schools and universities are using SCVNGR for education purposes. A great example of this is the 'History Game' which I mentioned earlier in my look at examples of m-learning tools and uses. Anne Fox talks about the trek on her blog. This amazing use of SCVNGR had students who were studying history go out into the local area and create treks for each other.

As she mentions, some of the positives of SCVNGR are that you only need one smartphone per group, the app and creating the app is free, the challenges can be as interactive or creative as you like and it is easy to use. Some of the downsides mentioned are that is does take up some data on your phone.

Other uses of SCVNGR are for the very purpose I am investigating; induction. Here is a video on using the app to get students familiar with a University campus:

Many American universities use SCVNGR and the details of their projects can be found here, but so far it seems that not many in the UK are using it. On the University Partner's sites it only lists Greenwich and Warwick.

SCVNGR seems to have many positives in that you can access the whole trek and choose how much you do at what time. It will direct you to the next location and has different tasks to complete.

QR Codes

A QR (quick response) code is a 3D barcode that can forward you directly to weblinks by downloading an app, such as Norton QR code snap, and scanning the code with a camera on a smart phone or iPad (Anderson 2012).

Here, Nicole Zumpano introduces QR codes and their uses both commercially and in education: 

Ideas for use in the classroom:

Anderson discusses uses of QR codes in the classroom in his livebinder. He gives examples such as using a QR code to link to student generate reviews of coursebooks, adding one to a worksheet so that students can access content and check answers, for voting via twitter app and to link to student generated presentations on Linoit or Prezi.

Richard Byrne makes further suggestions of the uses of QR in education in his blog. His post 'QR code treasure hunt generator' in 2011 explores the idea of using the codes to get students involved in a kinaesthetic information gathering activity and links to an example of a treasure hunt designed and trialled by the Toulouse International School. Codes link students to questions or information which they can work on solving. In another post, he talks about creating QR codes that link to podcasts or audio, providing for different delivery of information and learning styles; this could be very useful for language teaching.

Cameron Romney suggests a great idea of giving the students their homework answers via a code. He gives the answers to the last homework by putting a QR code on top of a worksheet in the next class. As he says, this avoids wasting time in class checking homework, allows students to check for themselves at their own pace and means he doesn't have to mark hundreds of papers.

This video gives an introduction to QR codes and also gives many examples of how to use them in education:

QR codes are not that new and there have been some positive and negative feedback on them recently.

While some educators still find innovative uses for them, others feel the 'fad' may be coming to an end. As Justine Yu discusses, there are two main problems with QR codes.; they are awkward to use as you need to download an app and then access your camera to snap the code, and the effort often outweighs the information you are directed to. Similarly, Jon Barocas thinks they are a 'pasing fad' for the same reasons highlighted by Yu. However, both these bloggers are discussing the use of QR codes in business and advertising. There is less negative feedback on using them in education.

Initial Project Outline

My dissertation project will focus on designing a mobile learning tool to enhance campus orientation in HE.

Who are my learners/ users?
The learners I will be trialing this tool with are undergraduate students at London Metropolitan University. Some are home students (from the UK) and others are EU international students studying English in the ELS department.

Most will be digital 'natives' (Prenksy); that is to say they are comfortable using most e-type tools such as email, internet, social networking and gaming. They regularly socialise using these platforms and are comfortable accessing information through them. Several keep their own blog (in their native language and in English) and publish content, most have a facebook account and smartphone. They are generally comfortable using their smartphone to download apps and to check information in class.

What need is there for the tool?

ELS students often feel they are not part of the 'proper' university and do not often engage in the university's activities. This is partly due to their inhibitions about their language abilities which is a shame because a lot of them want to interact with native speakers. However, it is also partly due to the induction process. Currently ELS/ General English learners arrive at the university every month throughout the year. they are given a brief induction of the department and a short guided tour of the main facilities but there is not enough time to give a fuller induction. Usually the students then join existing groups but it can sometimes be hard for them to socialise with students in different groups as they do not meet up often and have their lessons in different parts of the building.
Therefore, I want to create a tool that can enhance the induction process. The tool and task will hopefully encourage new students to become familiar with the university and also to get to know students in different levels that they can stay in touch with once the course starts.

What is the task?
The induction process suits a treasure hunt since the students need to visit different locations in the university to become familiar with them. My plan is that the students will get into groups and go to the different locations. At each location there will be a task to get to know that area or facility. for example in the library, there could be a question about how to use the self-service machines or where are the group-study areas. In completely the treasure hunt, the students will be working together, getting to know each other and the university.

The tool needs to be:
  • portable
  • accessible
  • interactive
  • provide a variety of activities with both text, image and audio
  • create opportunities for collaboration and team work 
  • give immediate feedback
  • good fun ( induction is not a formal situation)
  • link to media or webpages relevant to that location

What tools are available that suit these needs?

  • QR codes 
  • ARIS
  • Layar

Mobile learning digigogy

Digigogy Images
With so many devices being developed and launched it is hard to keep up with what tools are available. When thinking about including some form of m-learning into teaching and learning, it is easy to start with the device and ask what can be done with it. It is also easy to think about including a device in a lesson simply to engage learners, rather than considering whether the activity is enhanced by using a device (Brooks-Young 2010). Fisher (2010) talks about the need to create strong pedagogical frameworks when choosing a device or tool to use as opposed to "..inserting it into a lesson plan in a surface level way".

Caudill (2007) suggests that the frameworks and theories in m-learning are essentially the same as in e-learning since both are about blending and integrating technology into learning and teaching to enhance a broader learning experience.

However, the Mobilearn Conference in 2004 (Mellow 2005) discussed the idea that m-learning is in fact a sub-set of e-learning. It suggests that m-learning should be considered in a blended learning context since m-devices are rarely used to teach a whole program of study or to deliver an entire course or module.

To break down the idea of 'good' m-learning practice, Sanchez-Terrell (2011) looks at what makes it effective, which is when learners...
  • choose the content
  • interact with...objects and experiences
  • are moving around with the device
  • are motivated to expand learning outside the classroom
  • work collaboratively
Further, Float Learning suggest that the basics of good m-learning include:
  • content which is "bite-sized, train-stop sized, waiting room sized"
  • "may or may not have an assessment component but is measurable"
  • "easy to use..contextual"
Mellow (2005) similarly talks about the size of the learning in that m-learning devices are often good for 'chunking' content into 'bite-sized' portions that can be accessed and completed in a relatively short time. Mellow also discusses "'knowledge bites' that offer flexibility of time, place and pace" (p2)

In researching m-learning pedagogy, I came across the idea of 'Digigogy'. Mike Fisher (2010) talks about the emergence of digigogy and explains this is the crossover between technology and pedagogy.

 "Where pedagogy is about methods to instruct, Digigogy is about those methods, but with a technological frame. From hardware to software, from tech ed theory to application, Digigogy is about reframing our methods in the future of instruction. The new way of learning is a complete tear down and rebuild of traditional teaching, where learning is a joint effort and roles are reborn. Beyond the desks...beyond the walls...beyond the school. The new classroom is orbital, and scenic, and here" 

Mike Fisher, http://digigogy.blogspot.com/2010/05/digigogical-upgrade.html

                      Open publication - Free publishing - More web2.0

The idea of a 'digigogy' is interesting and seems relevant to the changes taking place in education and learning. There is a shift towards collaborative work, sharing within learning communities, and personal project-based, practical experiences. As these changes develop further in the future so should our pedagogy that underpins education. A 21st Century pedagogy is outlined below:

Finally, since what we ask the students to do and how we allow them to do it is changing, will the focus of our assessment change? An interesting point discussed by Devaney (2008, cited in Brooks-Young 2010) highlights a pilot program in Australia which, rather than assessing the students' ability to memorise information, looked at their ability to find it. With information all around us via m-devices, will the future of education shift from memorising to collating or currating?

Brooks-Young. S (ed) (2010) Teaching with the tools kids really use. Corwin Press.

Caudill. J (2007) The growth of M-learning and the Growth of Mobile Computing: Parallel Development. International review of research in open and distance Learning 8.2 works/bepress.com/jason-caudill/4

Mellow. P (2005) The media generation: Maximising learning by getting mobile. ASCILITE 2005 Conference. www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/brisbane05/blogs/proceedings/53_Mellow.pdf

Sanchez-Terrell. S (2011) Effective mobile learning: 50+ quick tips and resources. http://scribd.com/mobile/documents/67369598