Research and notes on my disseration for the MSc E-Learning.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Initial Project Outline

My dissertation project will focus on designing a mobile learning tool to enhance campus orientation in HE.

Who are my learners/ users?
The learners I will be trialing this tool with are undergraduate students at London Metropolitan University. Some are home students (from the UK) and others are EU international students studying English in the ELS department.

Most will be digital 'natives' (Prenksy); that is to say they are comfortable using most e-type tools such as email, internet, social networking and gaming. They regularly socialise using these platforms and are comfortable accessing information through them. Several keep their own blog (in their native language and in English) and publish content, most have a facebook account and smartphone. They are generally comfortable using their smartphone to download apps and to check information in class.

What need is there for the tool?

ELS students often feel they are not part of the 'proper' university and do not often engage in the university's activities. This is partly due to their inhibitions about their language abilities which is a shame because a lot of them want to interact with native speakers. However, it is also partly due to the induction process. Currently ELS/ General English learners arrive at the university every month throughout the year. they are given a brief induction of the department and a short guided tour of the main facilities but there is not enough time to give a fuller induction. Usually the students then join existing groups but it can sometimes be hard for them to socialise with students in different groups as they do not meet up often and have their lessons in different parts of the building.
Therefore, I want to create a tool that can enhance the induction process. The tool and task will hopefully encourage new students to become familiar with the university and also to get to know students in different levels that they can stay in touch with once the course starts.

What is the task?
The induction process suits a treasure hunt since the students need to visit different locations in the university to become familiar with them. My plan is that the students will get into groups and go to the different locations. At each location there will be a task to get to know that area or facility. for example in the library, there could be a question about how to use the self-service machines or where are the group-study areas. In completely the treasure hunt, the students will be working together, getting to know each other and the university.

The tool needs to be:
  • portable
  • accessible
  • interactive
  • provide a variety of activities with both text, image and audio
  • create opportunities for collaboration and team work 
  • give immediate feedback
  • good fun ( induction is not a formal situation)
  • link to media or webpages relevant to that location

What tools are available that suit these needs?

  • QR codes 
  • ARIS
  • Layar

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