Research and notes on my disseration for the MSc E-Learning.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Assessment of tools

QR codes might suit the purpose. They could be displayed at the locations and could link to information to help the students answer the questions.

  • can be displayed anywhere
  • easily link to relevant resources
  • resources can be images, video etc
  • apps can be downloaded for free 
  • students might not want to download a QR code reader
  • how will I distribute the questions? (paper?)
  • how will I mark the answers and give feedback? (a further session may be needed)

SCVNGR seems like it might fit most of the needs and having done some preliminary research, it seems it is already in use at some universities for induction treks.

  • content is easy to create
  • feedback is immediate
  • content can be created in video, audio, text
  • types of task can be varied
  • locations can be specified
  • app is free to download
  • feedback after the trek will need to be considered
  • students may not want to download the app to their phone


ARIS offers a lot of options and flexibility in terms of game development and has already been trialed for induction tours.

  • game development flexibility
  • content can be audio, video and text
  • content can be triggered by GPS location
  • suited to rich story-telling, especially development of characters
  • only available in iOS: iphone and ipod
  • platform still under construction
  • coding needed to develop a game 
  • amount of development time vs game play
  • somewhat 'clunky' interface
  • feedback needs to managed

Layar allows AR content to be imposed on static print or via GPS. Currently being used on campuses to provide induction info.

  • stylish interface (both app and creator)
  • variety of media or web sources can be linked  
  • easy to use creator
  • app available for both iOS and Android
  • GPS location is available


  • doesn't allow creation of a trek - might need to be used in conjunction with another tool for the purposes of a guided tour?
  • need to highlight where AR layar content is available as it could be missed
  • no feedback available through the tool itself

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