Research and notes on my disseration for the MSc E-Learning.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Intro to Augmented Reality

In many of the articles I have read about Augmented Reality (AR) there is a common theme: AR is changing the way its users view the world. Recently it seems that this change is becoming more mainstream. Shore (2012) writes that augmented reality is no longer just a scientific experiment but has become part of daily life. As an example, brands such as IKEA are implementing AR in their 2013 catalogues. Museums are enhancing exhibitions with AR content as seen in the Royal Ontario Museum's use of AR to bring dinosaurs to life. There are also adverts on TV showing AR products:

What is AR?

The basic idea behind AR is to add a layer of graphics, audio or video over a real-world object. These are commonly accessed through apps on mobile devices such as smartphones.

According to layar, AR can take two forms: geolocation and vision-based. Geolocation uses GPS and sensors from a mobile device to show resources located around you. Vision-based AR is more about digitally displaying content from a static real-world object, for example a poster. 

"On the spectrum between virtual reality, which creates immersive, computer-generated environments, and the real world, augmented reality is closer to the real world." Bonsor 2012. A useful visual representation of this is taken from FitzGerald et al (2012) and shows how AR is part of mixed reality, closely linked to the real world:


What is the future for AR? Is it a fad or here to stay?

FitzGerald. E, Adams. A, Ferguson. R,  Gaved. M,  Mor. Y and Thomas. R (2012). Augmented reality and mobile learning: the state of the art. In: 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2012), 16-18 October 2012, Helsinki, Finland (forthcoming).

Bonsor. K (2012) How augmented reality will work. [accessed online] http://computer.howstuffworks.com/augmented-reality.htm

Shore. J (2012) Where did augmented reality come from? [accessed online] http://mashable.com/2012/09/24/augmented-reality/

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