Research and notes on my disseration for the MSc E-Learning.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Layar is an vision-based augmented reality tool which allows you to link static print to other media giving the user an interactive experience.

As a user, you need to download the layar app to access any AR content. You then hold your mobile device over the print to activate the AR experience. AR content includes video, audio, social media or links to websites. It is useful to highlight any AR content with a note using the layar logo on the static print pages. Layar can also be used via GPS. The interface of the app is stylish and it's easy to use.

Here is an introduction to layar:

 Layar also allows you to keep track of your users via their stats pages.

As a developer it is relatively straight forward to create AR content from static print. Once you have logged in and accessed the creator, you can easily add AR without any coding. This video shows the process of basic layar creation:

Some current uses of it in business include Lonely Planet and WWF but layar has endless possibilities in education.

Purdue University uses it for a walking tour and for information on campus using GPS. Exeter Univesity also use it on their campus to access media and content via GPS. Stanely Avenue school got their students to create the content using layar.

Layar could be integrated with other GPS apps to enhance an induction tour or used as a stand-alone tool utilising its GPS function.

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